Отрывок: Based on this curves the dynamic range was estimating, assuming that for BER below the FEC threshold, the signal at the reception is completely restored. The threshold value was assumed to be BER = 4.7 · 10-3 [30]. 3. Results of simulation In this paper, the simulation was performed for an optical signal with quadrature phase modulation (QPSK) with a symbol bit rate 28.5 Gbit/s with pulse shape 50%RZ, provid...
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dc.contributor.authorBurdin, V.A.-
dc.contributor.authorEremchuk, E.Y.-
dc.date.accessioned2019-04-24 16:00:46-
dc.date.available2019-04-24 16:00:46-
dc.identifier.citationBurdin V.A. Long-haul few mode fiber optic link with differential mode delay compensation on line amplifiers / V.A. Burdin, E.Y. Eremchuk // Сборник трудов ИТНТ-2019 [Текст] : V междунар. конф. и молодеж. шк. "Информ. технологии и нанотехнологии" : 21-24 мая : в 4 т. / Самар. нац.-исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т), Ин-т систем. обраб. изобр. РАН-фил. ФНИЦ "Кристаллография и фотоника" РАН ; [под ред. Р. В. Скиданова]. - Самара: Новая техника, 2019. - Т. 1 : Компьютерная оптика и нанофотоника. - 2019. - С. 539-545.ru
dc.description.abstractThis paper present results of simulation of the few mode fiber optic link with the differential mode delay compensation. There were considered some variants of compensation of differential mode delay and chromatic dispersion. The one of variants is the compensation at the far end of fiber optic link. And other is compensation at line amplifiers with two schemes of differential mode delay compensation.ru
dc.publisherИзд-во «Новая техника»ru
dc.titleLong-haul few mode fiber optic link with differential mode delay compensation on line amplifiersru
dc.textpartBased on this curves the dynamic range was estimating, assuming that for BER below the FEC threshold, the signal at the reception is completely restored. The threshold value was assumed to be BER = 4.7 · 10-3 [30]. 3. Results of simulation In this paper, the simulation was performed for an optical signal with quadrature phase modulation (QPSK) with a symbol bit rate 28.5 Gbit/s with pulse shape 50%RZ, provid...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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