Отрывок: If we place into SC the fast rotating stabilizing rotor then we need not make spinup of the main SC's body which contains the antennas telescopes and other equipment for monitoring/communication/investigation. This construction scheme called as «dual-spin spacecraft/satellite» (DSSC). Fig.12 – Dual-spin spcecraft constraction and real DSSC «TACSAT I» The dual-s...
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dc.contributor.authorDoroshin A. V.ru
dc.contributor.authorThe Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federationru
dc.contributor.authorSamara State Aerospace University (National Research University)ru
dc.contributor.authorSpace Engineering Departmentru
dc.coverage.spatialуправление движением КАru
dc.coverage.spatialкосмические аппаратыru
dc.coverage.spatialпространственное движение КАru
dc.creatorDoroshin A. V.ru
dc.identifierRU/НТБ СГАУ/WALL/629.78/D 74-438776ru
dc.identifier.citationDoroshin, A. V. The main principles of spacecraft/satellites attitude stabilization [Электронный ресурс] : electronic textbook / A. V. Doroshin ; The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federation, Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University) , Space Engineering Department. - Samara, 2013. - on-lineru
dc.description.abstractТруды сотрудников СГАУ(электрон. версия).ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.ru
dc.description.abstractThis textbook gives a short description of principles of attitude stabilization of spacecraft and satellites (also dual-spin spacecraft). The textbook is a part of the Masters programme for education directions 161100.68 «Motion Control Systems and Navigaru
dc.format.extentЭлектрон. текстовые и граф. дан. (1 файл : 735,0 Кбайт)ru
dc.titleThe main principles of spacecraft/satellites attitude stabilizationru
dc.textpartIf we place into SC the fast rotating stabilizing rotor then we need not make spinup of the main SC's body which contains the antennas telescopes and other equipment for monitoring/communication/investigation. This construction scheme called as «dual-spin spacecraft/satellite» (DSSC). Fig.12 – Dual-spin spcecraft constraction and real DSSC «TACSAT I» The dual-s...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Учебные издания

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