Отрывок: Run the project and observe changes. Change Round-Robin settings and study, how it affects the performance. 5 Critical sections Critical sections are not explicitly declared in CMSIS-RTOS, however one can prevent switching by the scheduler with the help of int32_t osKernelLock (void ). Insert osKernelLock() and osKernelUnlock() instead of osMutexAcquire(MutexId,osWaitForever); and osMutexRelease(MutexId); and com-pare with mutex usage. 6 S...
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dc.contributor.authorKudryavtsev I.ru
dc.contributor.authorKornilin D. V.ru
dc.contributor.authorMyakinin O. O.ru
dc.contributor.authorMinistry of Science and Higher Educatione of the Russian Federationru
dc.contributor.authorSamara National Research University (Samara University)ru
dc.coverage.spatialметодические указанияru
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\452145ru
dc.identifier.citationCMSIS-RTOS for CORTEX-M3 microcontrollers : laboratory training guide : [метод. указания]. - Текст : электронный / Ministry of Science and Higher Educatione of the Russian Federation, Samara National Research University (Samara University) ; compilers: I. A. Kudryavtsev, D. V. Kornilin, О. О. Myakinin. - Samara : Samara University Publishing House, 2020. - 1 файл (1,09 Мб)ru
dc.description.abstractThe guide is focused on the development of RTOS-based software for microcontrollers with the Cortex-M3 core. Main techniques of development and debugging with CMSIS-RTOS are demonstrated. The guidelines are intended for the students of 11.04.01 Radioenginru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.ru
dc.description.abstractТруды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон. версия).ru
dc.format.extentЭлектрон. дан. (1 файл : 1,09 МБ)ru
dc.publisherSamara University Publishing Houseru
dc.titleCMSIS-RTOS for CORTEX-M3 microcontrollersru
dc.textpartRun the project and observe changes. Change Round-Robin settings and study, how it affects the performance. 5 Critical sections Critical sections are not explicitly declared in CMSIS-RTOS, however one can prevent switching by the scheduler with the help of int32_t osKernelLock (void ). Insert osKernelLock() and osKernelUnlock() instead of osMutexAcquire(MutexId,osWaitForever); and osMutexRelease(MutexId); and com-pare with mutex usage. 6 S...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Методические издания

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